Working might not always be the most pleasurable task so why not lighten up the mood and tension with these funny kitten mood cards. Is it time for lunch? Display a cat that has just eaten. Bad day? Show the cat that is soaking wet. Having a power nap? Display a cat that takes a … power nap. Did you just join the company? Show a “New here” scared kitten. All in all, there are 25 Different Moods and Messages – more than enough for any occasion. It is really a nice, lighthearted fun to brighten yours and anyone else day. Bonus: ladies love the guy with sens of humor and a gentle soul that loves animals. So this one is a no brainer. Extra bonus: Is there someone at your company that hates it? Then you just got your answer about who to avoid at work and not be friendly with them. If you prefer dogs they have this option too.