Yes, a real operational Cheiftain MK 6 battle tank with 120mm live cannon! No, not a toy or replica tank. The one that is used in wars and on the battlefields. It has 2 engines, both run great and…

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we are not kidding, this is a real Dinosaur Poop. Own a piece of ancient history. How ancient? How about 23 to 5 million years before the present. Yes, this is a millions of years old poop. It is…

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Do you have a small apartment? This Sosia (it means Doppelganger) Multifunctional Sofa Bed could help – it is a sofa that can be easy transformed into a bed. Not wait, there is more: You can shape it into…

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Chances are that if you love to skate you also want to have your own band or at least play a guitar for fun. Here is a company that joins these two: Prisma guitars makes and sells guitars that…

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Are you da police? Or maybe a shy person? Then you will find this Tactical Camera Sphere useful. Just throw it in the room full of bad guys or room full of party people to see if it is…

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Th summer is here and with it comes summer fun. You can go to the sea or you can bring the party to your backyard. Don’t buy some cheap stuff, do it with a style. This inflatable waster park…

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The summer is here and with summer comes fun and games. One of the most popular sports in the summer is beach volleyball and one of the most popular activities is being at the pool / in the water….

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Are you one of those people that believe the World War III or zombie apocalypse might be happening soon? Maybe even a second coming? Do you want to be prepared in case Walmart goes out of business? Then you…

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Remember Segway and how it was supposed to revolutionize the way we travel or move? Well, somehow it didn’t happened. But that doesn’t stop other companies trying to find the next best iteration of segway. Here is another attempt:…

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Let’s just get this straight first – this is a real pinball machine but it is not operational anymore, you cant play pinball on it. However it still lights up and makes droid-like beeps and whirs. The toy R2-D2…

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You know how it goes: Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the king of the Seven Kingdoms. No, wait, wrong show and wrong lyrics but nonetheless, the words are appropriate. We…

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I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. No, wait, that’s the wrong movie! Did you know…

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Have you ever wanted to change your brown eyes color to blue? Until now you were forced to use the contacts every day but this will become history. New medical treatment has been developed that will change brown eyes…

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Look at the title. Now look at the price. Now look at the photo. Now back to price. No, your eyes are not deceiving you, this indeed costs so much and these are indeed 3 papers. Yes, this guy…

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If you love your dog and have around $30,000 lying somewhere that you won’t miss then why not try to get this futuristic looking dog kennel? It’s called Dream Doghouse and made by Samsung. Great for people that have…

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