You know how it goes: Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the king of the Seven Kingdoms. No, wait, wrong show and wrong lyrics but nonetheless, the words are appropriate. We cant all be the king kings of the Seven Kingdoms but what is the next best thing? A toilet in the shape of Game of Thrones throne. It’s made out of 250 fake swords (it is not a good idea to use the real sharp swords when your softest part is exposed while you sit the toilet, don’t you think?) and made by Super-Fan Builds team.It’s protected by marine-grade water sealant so if you accidentally soil it it can be cleaned off. It even has a place where you put the toilet roll. It is not yet available commercially but with the right offer, we are sure some arrangement can be made. If there is one thing we learned from Game of Thrones is that (almost) everyone can be bought.