Golf is usually reserved for rich people so the rest of us is satisfied with playing minigolf. But due to our busy schedules we don’t always have a time to go there and spend few hours playing it. Yes,…

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If you don’t want your rug to be micturated upon in this fair city (because rug can really tie a room together) then you need to start teaching your little boy to learn how to pee by himself. A…

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If you love everything about guns then here is a cool product for you: tiny flower pot with flowers made from hollow point bullets. Each flower pot has three flowers. Your hunter or soldier friend will love it. The…

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The winter has come and gone and snow has melted. This mean that you can’t throw snowballs and have a snowball fights anymore until the next winter, right? Wrong. Here is the fun and messless indoor alternative to real…

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Let’s boldly fly where no man has flown before with this cool looking Star Trek USS Enterprise Flying Disc. Throw it to the final frontier. Throw the saucer section and the rest of the ship follows along. It’s made…

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Any Star Wars and Furby fans here? We have good news for you. Hasbro announced the coolest next-generation Furby in the form of your favorite wookie and Han Solo’s most loyal friend. It will speak wookie just like real…

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Forget about the Hot Wheels, Nascar or drones – Racing Grannies are the real deal. Just wind them then release them and they will start racing. Sure, they aren’t the sexiest twins you have ever seen but they sure…

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There is something about bubble wrap and popping those bubbles that makes humans love it. That pop sound when bubble pops, it is just so satisfying. You obviously cant take bubble wrap with you all the time but what…

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We all loved (or love) to play with paper airplanes when we were kids, especially at school. Easy to make and they can even fly few meters. But hey, we are in 2015 now and we have drones and…

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We are not sure if these Bratz dolls looks prettier when they are made to look like normal people or original. They certainly look more human. The person running this blog says they are giving these dolls a “tree…

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We are fascinated by tea infusers, there are so many sorts and cool ones it is hard to choose one. This one is for all the cat lovers. A little kitten is sitting on top of your cup and…

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Well, that as fast. Someone already is offering these new cross lightsabers. Fans are still divided if it is cool or not. The best part about this lightsaber is that they are, in a way, giving it away for…

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We usually associate candles with romance but we are not sure if these are the most suitable for the romantic dinner or bath. However these are great for.. well, when you want to baffle or shock some people or…

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Here is an idea: Order this, wait for the delivery service approaching your door with box in their hands then jump out and start screaming “What’s In The Box? What’s In The Box???” in your worst Brad Pitt voice…

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Gone are the days when the word drone meant something ‘bad’, something that only military would use. We are now living in the times where you can take a selfie with a remotely controlled drone. Every year we get…

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