Forget about the Hot Wheels, Nascar or drones – Racing Grannies are the real deal. Just wind them then release them and they will start racing. Sure, they aren’t the sexiest twins you have ever seen but they sure…

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Spice up your meal time with these Froggy Style Salt and Pepper Shakers. If you are a kid visiting this site – uhm, you know, a little frog is very tired so the frog behind her is helping her by carrying her around….

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Working might not always be the most pleasurable task so why not lighten up  the mood and tension with these funny kitten mood cards. Is it time for lunch? Display a cat that has just eaten. Bad day? Show the cat that…

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Oh God, this is the stuff out of our worst nightmares. As if spiders wouldn’t be scary enough you now can have them crawl out of the toilet. We dare you to find a  scarier sight. Luckily those are…

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There is something about bubble wrap and popping those bubbles that makes humans love it. That pop sound when bubble pops, it is just so satisfying. You obviously cant take bubble wrap with you all the time but what…

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This is a redundant clock, and this is a redundant description.

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Does your kid hate bath time and hair washing? Or maybe (s)he likes it but gets bored very quickly? Install this cool Bubble Bath Dispenser and your kids will love it. It creates a gentle waterfall and projects water…

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The hottest website right now. Do you just hate some people and wish that some inconvenience would happen to them but you do not want to cross the line, like punching them in the face (maybe they are bigger…

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Take a break Ninja, have a cup of green tea! Ah..Ninjas! Ninja movies used to be really popular in 80ties and 90ties. There was even an American Ninja (don’t tell us you don know who is Michael Dudikoff). What…

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Is there a glitch in the Matrix? Did the company printing this not align their printer’s head? A sloppy job? A disgruntled employee taking revenge on company that pays him low? Nope, this is how these cards are! Why?…

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Can you turn the most boring item there is – a garbage can – into something cool and envy of your neighbors? Of course you can – just put these blue jeans pants on it. It’s not a real…

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Dear God, what a product name. Decapitator! Don’t worry, it only decapitates beer / bottled drink bottle caps. It is the coolest bottle opener you will see. Put it over a capped bottle, firmly push and the cap will…

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One of the most common activity that we do with pencils are: writing, chewing them and playing drums with them. You can do the drumming with the normal pencil too but why not go one step further and have…

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RELAX! It’s not a real fetus. It’s just a soap with smaller soap in it that looks like one. Now, we are not even going to try to guess why would you wan;t this but if you are one…

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Exactly! No one passes you, even if you drive too slow. This will definitely make people chuckle and maybe they will obey the wish. Who know, maybe this innocent sticker will prevent some accident when some LOTR fan decides…

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