Holly Detailness, Batman! For all you Batman fans, here is the ultimate must-have Batman item: Batman Armory with Batman from the 2008 film, The Dark Knight. This is not some cheap stuff, it is high quality collectors item. It includes light-up features, working doors and shelves, all crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Wait, there’s more: Batman Armory includes all of his state-of-the-art weaponry and gadgets like batarangs, surudoi saw,nunchucks, cutters, smoke bombs, sticky-bomb guns, grappling guns and much more. Oh, and we saved the best for last : You will also get screen accurate Batman sixth scale figure that can roll his eyes, four newly sculpted interchangeable expressions, detailed fabric costume and more. The attention to detail is really astounding. Just check out the gallery details after the link, you will see what we mean.