Are you bored playing with your pet? Do you want to catch a rest but your dog doesn’t let you? Let this toy play with the dog. It’s optimized for dog engagement, right down to its lights, sounds, and…

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Here is one for the WTF category. You better buy this only for Halloween, do you hear us? We kid, we kid, we are not going to point fingers – you like it, you buy it. For those who…

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OK, this is only for brave people or weirdos. Probably both. If it is Halloween costume then we won’t judge. Yellow in the front, dark in the back. You figure it out.

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Yeeehaw! We don’t know about you but we believe that backscratcher is one of the best human inventions. It is so satisfying to scratch that itch on your back that is otherwise unreachable. Take the backstracing to another level…

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We are not sure if this is winning at productivity or losing at life. This is not a normal computer desk..we cant even call this a desk. It’s some futurist Wall-E kind of workstation where you can sit, stand,…

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This is the greatest stache protector your upper lip has ever seen. Hipsters and other people with beautiful mustache, your troubles are over.Stop being busy cleaning your Mustache and start enjoying the drinks.

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Hey Austrians, Germans, Wild West, Weird Al and polka lovers – here is the Yodeling Pickle. A pickle that yodels. Yodel-Ay-Ee-Oooo! Why pickle? Well, does Yodeling Apple make sense to you? Exactly, it doesn’t.

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Do you have a brother whose birthday is coming up and that you love dearly but he just isn’t the best brother in the world? He is teasing you, making you life harder sometimes but he is still cool…

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This one is one of those weird WTH items. It is some triangle looking thingie that eats whatever you feed it. It is meant to be coins but you can give it chocolate, candies, whatever. So what’s so scary…

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This is really awesome Cat Face Bag. Just look at the cat and its look of disapproval. “You put my face on the bag? I am not amused!”. This is definitely a head turner and conversation starter. Material is…

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Do you or your kid like building stuff? Sure, you have LEGO, maybe even Lego Technic, but you want something more challenging and cool. How about killer robots from the space? OK, not killer and not from outer space…

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Do you want to smuggle your drink to beach, concert, expensive bar or anywhere where it is not allowed? If you are a girl you are in luck. Hide them in these 5 fake tampons kit. Maybe even smudge…

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OK, this action figure is not weird, it is just aimed at specific group of people ;) If you are one of them then this is a really cool toy. Can also be gives as a gag gift, fans…

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Valentine is getting closer and it is time to suprise y our darling. But why buy those standard boring flowers? Why not suprise her with a nice bouquet of … plush dinosaurs. Wait, what? Yes, plush dinosaurs instead of…

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It seems like everything is getting internet connection these days. Internet of things? The latest “gadget” to get internet is – tea kettle. Yes, in this age and time you can’t simply waste your time making a tea or…

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